Return to the Light Within – Örfá pláss laus
Föstudaginn 7. júní kl. 18:00-19:30 og laugardaginn 8. júní kl. 10:30-12:00 og 14:00-16:30
Fyrirlestrar, hugleiðsla og leidd Yoga Nidra djúpslökun með Yogi Desai og Kamini Desai í Safnaðarheimili Háteigskirkju.
Föstudagur 7. júní kl 18:00-19:30 – 7.500 kr.
Laugardagur 8. júní kl 10:30-12:00 og 14:00-16:30 – 19.500 kr.
Báðir dagarnir saman – 24.500 kr.
Laugardagur 8. júní kl 10:30-12:00 og 14:00-16:30 – 19.500 kr.
Báðir dagarnir saman – 24.500 kr.
Join us for lectures, meditation and guided Yoga Nidra experience. You will gain a deeper level of understanding, awareness and connection with yourself. Safnaðarheimili Háteigskirkju, Háteigsvegi 29, 105 Reykjavík Friday night 7th of June at 18:00-19:30 – 7.500 kr. Saturday 8th of June at 10:30-12:00 and 14:00-16:30 – 19.500 kr. Both sessions – 24.500 kr.
Skráning: www.jogasetrid.is/return-to-the-light-within/ Appropriate for yoga practitioners and non-practitioners alike.
Yogi Desai brings light, love, joy and humanness to the spiritual journey he himself has lived. Profoundly insightful and infinitely practical, his universal teachings are a breath of fresh air and for anyone on the human journey. An Energy Master, he received the ability to facilitate energetic shifts in others from his teacher, Swami Kripalu, whom he met at age 16.
For the last 70 years Yogi Desai has pioneered the immense growth of Yoga in the West as the founder of Kripalu Center and the Amrit Yoga Institute. He is the creator of Kripalu Yoga, the Integrative Amrit Methods (I AM) of Yoga and Yoga Nidra, and is author and recipient of numerous books and awards. His ability to transmit universal spiritual teachings spontaneously initiates profound shifts in those who are open.
Kamini Desai, daughter of Yogi Amrit Desai, has spent the last 30 years creating a body of teachings combing the wisdom of the east with science and psychology of the west. Considered an expert in Yoga Nidra, Kamini is the author of the book Yoga Nidra; The Art of Transformational Sleep and Life Lessons, Love Lessons. She is married to an Icelander and leads trainings worldwide. She is the Executive Director of I AM Education.