Thoughts and your health

Þriðjudag 11. febrúar kl 19:00 – 21:00

Thoughts and Your Health

What is the mind? How is the mind constantly affecting the state of your body and your health? How can we work with emotions that have been lodged in the body with yoga?

In this workshop we will explore these questions. Kamini will explain how we can use yoga therapy and yoga nidra to optimize the relationship between our thoughts, emotions and our health.  Includes a short yoga therapy exercise + Yoga Nidra.

What is I AM Yoga Therapy?
This approach to Yoga Therapy uses poses not only to address physical tensions lodged in the body, but also emotional stress. By learning to listen to and connect with the body using a combination of gentle yoga poses and specific coaching techniques, we can free the body and restore optimal energy, health and balance.

Kamini Desai is the author of Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational SleepLife Lessons Love Lessons and developer of the IAM Being Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditation App.  She holds a PhD in psychology and is the daughter of Yoga Master Yogi Amrit Desai. For the last 35 years Kamini has taught worldwide, uniquely combining the ancient teachings of yoga with western psychology and science.

Almennt verð: 5.000 kr
3.500 kr fyrir iðkendur Jógasetursins

„Það er meðfætt tilkall hverrar manneskju að vera hraust, helg og hamingjusöm“


– Yogi Bhajan.