I AM Yoga Therapy Training   

with Kamini Desai, PhD
IAYT Accredited Yoga Therapist

For movement teachers and body-mind practitioners: Learn specific techniques of yoga therapy for deep psychosomatic release. 


June 5-8 (4 days) – 3 nætur

October 29 – November 2 (5 days) 4 nætur

2025 í Skálholti 


Yoga Therapy I (4 days): 165.000 ISKR
Yoga Therapy II (5 days): 190.000 ISKR

Included in course

  • Accommodation in double rooms; 3 nights for Therapy I (Thursday to Sunday) and 4 nights for Therapy II (Wednesday to Sunday)
  • Material
  • Vegetarian food from lunch on first day to lunch on Sunday.


For further information and payment please send an email to jogasetrid@jogasetrid.is

Limited spaces are available for those who want to take the first portion only.
Due to space consideration preference is given to those taking both courses for certification.

After Therapy I in March you are encouraged to practice before coming back in April to go deeper.

I AM Yoga Therapy is:

“Innovative and profound.”
“Bridges the gap between Yoga and Psychology.”
“Science of Yoga and Energy.”
“Immediately relevant, useful and applicable.”


Yoga Therapy I (4 dagar): 165.000 KR
Yoga Therapy II (5 dagar): 190.000 KR

Innifalið í námskeiði

  • Gisting í tveggja manna herbergjum; 3 nætur fyrir Therapy I (fimmtudagur til sunnudags) og 4 nætur fyrir Therapy II (miðvikudagur til sunnudags)
  • Námskeiðsgögn
  • Grænmetismatur frá hádegi á fyrsta degi til hádegis á sunnudag.

Þeir sem taka bæði Therpy I og Therapy II ganga fyrir.  Takmarkað pláss er í boði fyrir þá sem vilja aðeins taka
Therapy I.

Eftir fyrri lotu Therapy í mars ertu hvattur/hvött til að æfa þig áður en þú kemur aftur í apríl til að fara dýpra.

Skráning og upplýsingar: jogasetrd@jogasetrid.is


Myndbönd með Kamini


Yoga Therapy I: Touch-free Techniques 

March 14th – 17th, 2024

This profound and innovative course takes Yoga Therapy to a deeper level. Learn specific and immediately useful tools to release trapped psychosomatic patterns and free the body’s innate healing potential. Receive rare teachings on the esoteric understanding of energy. Learn body-based facilitation & coaching techniques that can be applied with or without yoga poses in one-on-one private sessions or applied to any style of yoga, life coaching, therapy or bodywork that you offer. Besides three powerful facilitation techniques, you will learn how to guide poses to release and reprogram unhelpful physical, mental and emotional patterns. Support yourself and others to reduce symptoms and improve function not only from the outside in, but from the inside out! Includes detailed digital manual and reference videos.

You will learn:

  • Yogic theory of energy & healing
  • How to conduct a body scan & assess the results
  • Lead an individual session or group yoga therapy class that addresses common holding zones in the body
  • How to guide three different yoga therapy coaching techniques to help you decode your body’s messages.
  • Address spiritual bypassing and other pitfalls with our unique integration model
  • Use chakras as a map to identify gaps in personal maturation and self-actualization
  • Healthfully integrate and release emotions for yourself and others
  • Ideal for online sessions & hands-on limitations


Yoga Therapy II: Hands-On Techniques

April 10th – 14th, 2024

Learn how to physically support and assist your client — removing effort and maximizing opening in various yoga poses. Support yourself and others to increase range of motion, reduce pain and inflammation, heal burnout and improve mental and physical wellbeing not only from the outside in, but from the inside out! While Yoga Therapy I is available to everyone, Yoga Therapy II is more physical and requires at least a moderate level of health and strength.  Completion of Yoga Therapy I is a requirement for participation in Yoga Therapy II.

You will learn:
Advanced hands-on assisted posture techniques

  • Four powerful sequences to address the most common holding zones in the body
  • Facilitation techniques to enhance the effect of physical poses & support emotional integration
  • Elements from contact yoga, yogassage, phoenix rising yoga therapy, thaiyoga therapy and traditional yoga styles to specifically target issues & promote total body opening
  • Ideas for chair Yoga Therapy
  • Basic principles and precautions of Yoga Therapy for scoliosis and other common conditions
  • How to put together a full 6 limbed yoga therapy session

Who is this for?

In addition to promoting your personal development, this training is excellent for yoga teachers, psychologists, counselors, health and healing professionals, and bodyworkers in search of new tools to serve their clients. Yoga Therapists are increasingly working in pain clinics, and in conjunction with doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, physical therapists, senior treatments centers and rehabilitation clinics.

How Can I Use My Hours?

  • Yoga Therapy I can be taken on its own or you may use these hours to continue on to Yoga Therapy II to become a certified 120hr Yoga Therapy practitioner.
  • Completion of Yoga Therapy I and II count towards Amrit Yoga Institute’s 800hr IAYT accredited yoga therapist program.
  • If you are already a member of IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists), this course may usedtowards continuing education hours


Practicum: For those going on to Yoga Therapy II you will need to complete and submit documentation for the following:

  • Lead 3 yoga therapy classes.
  • Practice all the facilitation techniques you have learned at least once.
  • These hours will count towards the 120hr certification you receive in Yoga Therapy II

Upon completion of Yoga Therapy II you will need to complete 8 documented yoga therapy sessions for certification.


Recommended Reading and Reference: 

Suggested preparatory reading:

  • Eugene GendlinFocusing

Recommended for future reference:

  • Ken DychtwaldBody Mind

SCHEDULE: March 14th – 17th

  • Thursday: 10:00 -13:30 og 15:30 – 18:30 (lunch at 13:30, dinner at 18:30)
    Friday/Saturday: 8-9:15, 10:30 -13:30 og 15:30 – 18:30 (breakfast at 9:15, lunch at 13:30, dinner at 18:30)
    Sunday: 7:30 – 8:30, 9:30 – 1pm (breakfast at 8:30, lunch at 13:00

SCHEDULE: April 10th – 14th 

  • Wednesday: 10:00 -13:30 og 15:30 – 19:00 (lunch at 13:30, dinner at 19:00)
    Thursday/Friday/Saturday: 9:30-13:30 og 15:30-19:00 (breakfast at 8:30, lunch at 13:30, dinner at 19:00)
    Sunday: 8:30-1pm (breakfast at 7:30, lunch at 13:00)

Thursday – Sunday the first session
and Wednesday – Sunday the second session
Published subject to change


Kamini Desai, is the author of: Yoga Nidra The Art of Transformational SleepLife Lessons Love Lessons and developer of the I AM Yoga Nidra app. For the past 30 years Kamini has created a unique body of teachings combining ancient Yogic wisdom with science and psychology. Considered an expert in the science of Yoga Therapy, Yoga Nidra and artful living, her practical and accessible teaching style has been welcomed worldwide. Kamini’s corporate clients have included Bahamas Princess Resorts, Kellogg’s, KEDS, SONY, and Mars Confectionary among others. Kamini Desai PhD is the daughter of one of the original yoga masters to pioneer yoga practice in the west in the 1960s. In 2013 she was awarded the title “Yogeshwari” in recognition for her keen ability to bring ancient illumination to the genuine challenges of the human experience. For more information visit https://www.kaminidesai.com/

Lífið er ekki verkefni til að leysa heldur leyndardómur til að uppgötva”


– Amrit Desai