Heart Song in Iceland

Kl. 20:30-22:00

    17. ágúst 2023
Heart Song (live concert)
with Siri Sadhana Kaur (UK) + Dr. Adi Priya Kaur (Japan)
‘Every person is an instrument in the orchestra which is the whole universe, and every voice is the music that comes from one of its instruments‘ (Hazrat Inayat Khan)
An opportunity to gather together in hearty chanting stimulating energy and uplifting our mind. The sounds we vibrate mutually influence each other’s hearts creating a synchrony that transforms our whole being, we become a sound mirror of the universe.
This is an invitation to open our heart and voices, harmonising and chanting powerful mantras to elevate our souls.
We have loved to chant and dance with Siri Sadhanas mantras in Jogasetrið and look very much forward to this beautiful event.
Skipholt 50c
Price: 3500 kr

Fjölbreyttir og yndislegir tímar í góðum félagsskap. Styrkjandi og upplyftandi fyrir sál og líkama!


„Það er meðfætt tilkall hverrar manneskju að vera hraust, helg og hamingjusöm“


– Yogi Bhajan.